Sunday, 8 March 2015

Another post for another tale..
This photo below is off a bridesmaids hair (Close up) i captured this image as i loved the style of hair, plus all the different pretty flowers that were added in her hair. Something different and unique. The flowers make her hair stand out a lot more. The setting i used on my camera was to make the background of the picture fade a little, to make the hair stand out a lot more than the rest of the photo, I loved photographing this wedding as there were so many different colors added to the wedding and made it look very old fashioned, which i loved. More photos of this wedding are on my Facebook page and website. Please feel free to take a look and share :)
Facbook: A Thousand Tales Photography

Hello there again lovely people.
This photo below is something i came up with when some friends of mine told me they were expecting a baby. It's a lovely and new way to announce your having a baby. So a massive Congratulations again to Dave and Kim! I am so happy for you both and cant wait to be able to take lots of photos of your little one when he/she is here.
If there is anyone out there wanting to announce they are pregnant or want to announce if its a boy/girl then i have loads of creative ideas to use.
Feel free to contact me :)
Website: www.athousandtalesphotography,
Facebook: A Thousand Tales Photography

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Hello all to you lovely people. I've decided to start a blog to tell you all my tales on the shoots i do, only right to show why i called myself 'A Thousand Tales Photography'. If any of you want to view my work then please feel free to take a look at my website or on my Facebook page :)
I'd love to hear/see you reviews on my work!

Facebook: A Thousand Tales Photography

The photo below is little 6 month old Orson a recent shoot i have just done, i'm in the middle of editing his album and there's so many pictures with this gorgeous smile on! At first this little guy didn't know what to expect with me holding a camera, flashing in front of his face, but after a while he got used to it and this smile came out! Wasn't a shy little man either letting out some burbs for me, then once that was out the way telling me lots of interesting stories(mind you i didn't know what they were about but to him they were very interesting) then at the end of each story he would let out a huge giggle! So i'm sure it must of been really funny too. He was such a pleasure to work with as a whole hour went by and not one cry, he was a little angel :) This photo was taken near to the end of the shoot makes me think hes saying 'YESS' the shoots ended even though i'm sure he enjoyed himself. Oh before we forget you cant forget Elmo his best friend by the looks of it, he loved him! 
Hope you enjoyed my little tale on this gorgeous little guy. 
Keep an eye out on my website for his album!