Sunday, 8 March 2015

Another post for another tale..
This photo below is off a bridesmaids hair (Close up) i captured this image as i loved the style of hair, plus all the different pretty flowers that were added in her hair. Something different and unique. The flowers make her hair stand out a lot more. The setting i used on my camera was to make the background of the picture fade a little, to make the hair stand out a lot more than the rest of the photo, I loved photographing this wedding as there were so many different colors added to the wedding and made it look very old fashioned, which i loved. More photos of this wedding are on my Facebook page and website. Please feel free to take a look and share :)
Facbook: A Thousand Tales Photography

Hello there again lovely people.
This photo below is something i came up with when some friends of mine told me they were expecting a baby. It's a lovely and new way to announce your having a baby. So a massive Congratulations again to Dave and Kim! I am so happy for you both and cant wait to be able to take lots of photos of your little one when he/she is here.
If there is anyone out there wanting to announce they are pregnant or want to announce if its a boy/girl then i have loads of creative ideas to use.
Feel free to contact me :)
Website: www.athousandtalesphotography,
Facebook: A Thousand Tales Photography